Monday, November 7, 2011

Latest Diet

Created by Dr. Mike Moreno, The 17 Day Diet has been featured on The Doctors and the Dr. Phil Show.
The 17 Day Diet is a weight loss plan that was initially created to avoid the holiday weight gain. But the beauty about the diet is that it can be used at any time throughout the year to shed a few pounds.
Every 17 days you’re changing what you’re doing. "We call it metabolic, or body, confusion,” Dr. Mike explains.
Here are the four cycles of The 17 Day Diet:
Cycle 1: Accelerate. Encourages rapid weight loss, cleansing and fat burning. Discourages fat storage.
Cycle 2: Activate. Resets the metabolism.
Cycle 3: Achieve. Develop good eating habits, re-teach yourself how to eat carbs.
Cycle 4: Arrive. A combination of the first three Cycles. On weekends, enjoy your favorite foods.
The 17 Day Diet also features a 17-minute exercise routine you should do as well as tons of tips and strategies to avoid food pitfalls.